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How to provide your body with tattoos


If you've never gotten a tattoo before, you have to get it from a professional. But if you want to get into the art and practice on your own, you can learn to do it safely and effectively. Leather real tattoo includes the preparation, concentration and safety. Learn how to get the right color so.
Warning: Risk of blood-bourne infections is much higher when you get home a tattoo. sterile conditions, new needles and proper treatment is very important. It is recommended that you all tattoo parlors licensed.
Preparation for tattoo
1.buy tattoo machines. If you've had a tattoo has never, it might be better to start with a tattoo, often referred to as "the tattoo gun." It works with electromagnetic coil, which regulates anchor bar, the needle may move to group up and down rapidly. Tattoo needle dipped in paint, that is applied to the skin. Tattoo Starter kit with sterile materials are available for about a hundred dollars.
It is true that tattoo machines and supplies costs about the same as getting a small tattoo done professionally in a salon, a tattoo shop, which is a much better solution if you do not finishes a job. But if you do, and you are interested to learn yourself, it is important to invest in a good quality tattoo machine.
If you want to make your own tattoo gun, you can also save a little money. If you yourself want to stick a bag tattoos, give without using a tattoo gun, check give yourself a Gun tattoo without learning how to do it safely.
2. Use a tattoo or paint India. Tattoos can only be done by a special tattoo ink or carbon-based Indian ink. This dye reacts with natural and gentle with your body, making the process safe and sterile. Never use any type of ink tattoos. [1]
Some people are allergic to specific ingredients of the inks and pigments, but this is usually only colored ink. This is not a good idea to start messing around with color anyway, if you are an experienced tattoo artist.
Do not use a paint pen or other types of paint to get a tattoo, unless you're a terrible infection and art that appears like in your body. Make it right.
3.Get supply other necessary sterilization. Because of the risk of infection through blood is much higher in the tattoo done outside the living room, it is really important that you enter to get serious about your tattoo and only use a brand new, just-out-of-fixed package you deliver Sterilized tattoo. The best way all you need is to invest in a starter kit, again, available for around a hundred dollars. [2] To begin, you must:
New tattoo needles
A disposable container for paint
Isopropyl alcohol (alcohol)
soft cotton ball or hit
latex gloves
Tattoo Goo, A & D or Bacitracin aftercare
Choose a simple design. If you give your first tattoo, this is probably not the time to paint panther wearing camo bandana ill and cut the line of Uranus in your arms. Go with a simple tattoo-style line, something that you are able to add later will be so necessary. Some words or simple line drawings? Now you're talking. The two first tattoo ideas include:
style paper printed with the hand
line small animal pictures
5.Prepare your body. Tattoo to make the process as easy as possible, you need to clean and prepare the tattoo area. Make sure you do not drink alcohol for a few hours, and you're not in any pain medication blood thinners (such as aspirin) or other drugs when you're ready to start painting.
Shower, dried himself and changed his clothes clean so you're clean as possible before you begin.
6.Shave area to be tattooed. Using a clean hit with a fresh blade, shave the area you'd tattoos, plus a margin that is worthy of the skin in the area. Shaving even if it does not appear to have no hair. Razors are more accurate than your eyes.
7.Prepare your space. Choose a clean surface, flat with lots of light where you will be able to work. Wash surfaces thoroughly with soap and water and allow to dry for several minutes. Then, provide a thick layer of paper towels in all of your work area in order to prevent the color of the floor, or furniture.
Ventilate the room by opening a window or turning on a fan. Pain can make a kind of process of sweating, so it's best to keep the room cool.
8.Apply design for your skin. Depending on the design you are trying to tattoo, you might want to go freehand, but this is quite rare, or (more likely) to work on the block, which is basically like a temporary tattoo. [3] This is the most common way to give professional tattoo artists guidelines:
Draw the design on a sheet of paper or printing from your computer, then the design on paper stencils. Use stencils liquids, such Stencil Stuff or StencilPro, and the distribution of the liquid over the area.
Place the stencil on the skin with purple side down, smoothed flat cliche. Let before the stencil from the skin gently. Allow to dry completely skin.

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